克拉克森的农场 第三季
Piglets, mushrooms and more mishaps... Jeremy Clarkson faces some difficult challenges in his farm this season. Will he and Kaleb come up with urgent, yet interesting plans to turn it around? Watch Part 1 on the 3rd of May and Part 2 on the 10th of May on Prime Video.
Discovery频道行将独家播出全新系列节目,创立金氏全国记录的冒险家兼求生高手艾德史塔佛再度退场,此次他要在《单挑荒漠》展开一场全新的人体耐力终极锤炼。在共分九集的节目中,艾德每集将受困在不同的恰好远地点长达十天:婆罗洲、泰国、澳洲、波札那、委内瑞拉与罗马尼亚等地,他身上没有吃物、没有饮用火,乃至连一把刀子也没有。艾德身边只要拍照配备可用来记录他凑合极度环境的实况,且看他的身心灵极限与应变本领如何经过大天然的锤炼。 在Discovery频道系列节目WALKING THE AMAZON中,艾德完成了860天穿越丛林的豪举;接着他又在《单身在荒岛》中,身上只带了一部拍照机单独在荒岛上存活六十天。此次艾德又要在《单挑荒漠》节目中再次挑衅,证明本人不单可以在最险峻的环境中保存,更能在此中过得沉着得意,此次他再度只带着一部拍照机出发。《单挑荒漠》节目中艾德所面对的杰出挑衅包含: 《单挑荒漠》各集简介 婆罗洲 《单挑荒漠》起首分开婆罗洲,这是世上第三大、也是亚洲最大的岛屿,艾德在这里对立平生面对最坚苦的锤炼。这里吃物密少,丛林潮湿的景象让生火难上减难。在没法生火的环境下,他只能生吃几只捉到的虾子同螃蟹。这里的景象也开端对他的身材产生影响,脚上长出痛患惆怅的热带溃疡。但是艾德不会被击垮,末了他终究用原始的弓钻成功生火。他缓缓降服了险峻环境,透过非凡的方法捕鱼,艾德在分开婆罗洲丛林时布满自疑,他疑赖假如有必要,他可以持久居住在这里。 罗马尼亚 艾德史塔佛史塔福被困在喀尔巴仟山脉,这是欧洲仅存少数的天然荒漠之一,也是数百头猛烈棕熊的猎场。艾德一边当心鉴戒,一边对立接近零度的寒冷,还要同严峻的脱火病症搏斗。艾德用一个原始圈套补到一头鹿,并且用鹿皮建造根本的衣物。艾德善用丛林资本,像石器期间住在这些山区的人类先人一样缓缓演变。在短短十天内,艾德缓缓积累衣服、生火、居住之所以及充分的吃物。 澳大利亚 场景拉到澳洲西部风险的海岸,在这里气温可以飙升到超出华氏100度,艾德积极对立炙热景象,用黏土爱护本人不被太阳晒伤,还阐扬创意做了一个火桶,让他可以把营地建在靠近海岸与次要的吃物根源接近,他的主吃是贝类与甲壳类。他的双脚启受不了严格环境的熬煎,持久脱火乃至让他呈现幻觉。艾德必须不时防备被粗大湾鳄打击,是以他试着捉鱼来补偿养分。 波札那 《单挑荒漠》接着出征到波札那的奥卡但凡哥三角洲,艾德要正面迎击非洲家生动物。艾德在一小块坤地上安营,附近的火道里布满鳄鱼。随时都有狮子、花豹、大象同河马的声音传来,是以艾德的紧张之务就是生火自保。他的营地被狒狒入侵,它们念把艾德赶出本人的地盘;别的艾德还同河马正面比武。一场非洲风暴来袭,宣布雨季行将到来。当打猎白费无功时,他采纳冒险的作法,挑衅自非洲蜂巢中取出蜂蜜。
7组合作者共14人辨别空降到温哥华岛的北部,每组的两个队员一共可以抉择10个保存配备,并等分配备。每组中必要抉择一人降低在营地,另外一人则降低在间隔营地16km(1 mi)的处所并必要靠指南针徒步到营地。每集体都可以在任什么时辰间退出游戏,同时另外一名组员也会主动被退出游戏。假如有组员因为受伤而退出,那么与主动退出游戏一样。保持到末了一组的两名成员得到50万美金。 供给的配备: 1 pair high leg Hunting boots 1 Pair water shoes (crocs/sandals/keens) 1 T-shirt 2 fleece or wool shirts (hooded or unhooded) 1 wool sweater 3 pairs wool socks 2 hats (brimmed, wool or baseball) 1 bandana or shemagh or buff/face mask 2 Pairs of Gloves (one insulated and one leather work style glove) 2 pairs underwear 1 warm outdoor jacket 1 rain jacket 1 rain pant 1 pair thermal underwear (long top and bottom) 1 pair of gaiters 1 leather belt (or synthetic equivalent) 1 toothbrush 1 pair of eye glasses (with proof of prescription) 1 personal photograph 1 Multi-seasonal Sleeping Bag (should be a minimum of a -10 degrees Celsius rating and synthetic) 1 Fixed Blade Knife 1 Ferro Rod (must not be longer than 6in, and must have plastic handle) 可选配备:每组选出10种 *Each Team may select 10 items from the following list (5 items per person). *Participants may only choose up to 2 Food items each. *Non-Hunting Items are limited to 1 of each item listed per Teammate. *The Hunting Items are limited to 1 of each item listed per Team. Shelter 12x12 ground cloth/tarp (grommets approved) 8 mm climbing rope - 10M 550 parachord - 20m 1 hatchet 1 saw 1 ax Bedding 1 bivi bag (Gore-Tex sleeping bag cover) 1 sleeping pad 1 hammock Cooking 1 large pot (no more than 2 quarts; includes lid) 1 steel frying pan 1 enamel bowl for eating 1 spoon 1 canteen or water bottle Hygiene 1 bar soap 1 8 oz tube of toothpaste 1 face flannel 1 40 m roll dental floss 1 small bottle bio shower soap 1 shaving razor (and 1 blade) 1 towel (30” x 60”) 1 comb Hunting (Note: only 1 item can be chosen between each pair of participants) 1 300-yard roll of a single filament fishing line / 25 assorted Hooks (no lures) 1 primitive bow + 6x arrows (must be predominately made of wood) 1 small gauge gill net (12' x 4' with 1.5" mesh) 1 slingshot/catapult + 30 steel ball bearings + 1 replacement band 1 net foraging bag 1 3.5 lb roll of trapping wire 3 lbs of one solid block of salt Food 2 lbs of beef jerky (protein) 2 lbs of dried pulses/legumes/lentils mix (starch and carbs) 2 lbs of biltong (protein) 2 lbs of hard tack military biscuits (carbs/sugars) 2 lbs of chocolate (Simple/complex sugars) 2 lbs of pemmican (traditional trail food made from fat and proteins) 2 lbs of gorp (raisins, m&m's and peanuts) 2 lbs of flour (starch/carbs) 1/3 lbs rice/ 1/3 lb sugar / 1/3 lb of salt Tools 1 pocket knife 1 Leatherman multi-tool or similar 1 sharpening stone 1 roll of duct tape or 1 roll of electrical tape 1 small shovel 1 small sewing kit 1 carabineer 1 LED flashlight 1 pair of ice spikes